Three Banded Armadillo

About Us
Here at Chessington we have 3 Southern three banded armadillos! Armadillos are solitary in the wild. They can spend up to 16 hours each day sleeping! When they are not in bed they are usually very active, munching on the bugs which we give them to eat. Three banded armadillos can live for about 15 years so ours are still quite young.Â
- Armadillo Translates roughly to 'little armoured one' in Spanish.
- The three banded armadillo is the only species of armadillo (out of 20) which can fully roll itself into a ball - and can leave a small gap open which it can slam shut on any other animals paws.
- It's one of the smallest species of armadillo - (no taller than your average football) but can still run up to 30 mph.

Where are they from?
Most species of Armadillo are from South America, specifically from parts of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.

How long do they live?
Estimates vary but on average 15 years in captivity

How big are they?
Estimates vary but on average 15 years in captivity.

Conservation Status
Near threatened (declining) due to destruction of habitats for livestock. Also an important food source for a lot of people. Unfortunately not seen as a key species so not really a focus of education or conservation efforts but the rate of decline could see them in trouble soon.