Saki Monkey

About Us
At Chessington we have saki monkeys who can be found in the monkey walkthrough. Males have a black coat with white hair around the face, and the females have a brownish grey coat with two orange coloured lines from the eyes to the nose and orange/brown colouring on the chest. Saki monkeys are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in the trees. Their tails are long and fluffy and used for balance whilst jumping from tree to tree. They have long, thin fingers and toes with thick pads on the ends to help them grip onto branches. Sakis eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and insects. Their teeth are strong, designed to crush the shells on nuts and seeds.
FUN FACT: Saki monkeys are monogamous, meaning a mating pair will stay together forever.

Where are they from?
White-faced Saki monkeys are found in Northern and central South America. Their range includes Brazil, Colombia, Peru and northern Bolivia.

How long do they live?
Saki monkeys live up to 15 years in the wild and up to 36 years in captivity.

How big are they?
They're about 2 - 4ft from nose to tail and weigh about 4.5lbs average.

Conservation Status
Least concern however the exotic pet trade and habitat destruction threaten this species.