Bolivian Squirrel Monkey

About Us
We have a group of 11 squirrel monkeys here at Chessington which can be found in Amazu. This group consists of one male, Pierre, and 10 females. We also have subgroup of 2 squirrel monkey boys that live in Children Zoo that are very confident, chatty and cheeky! Squirrel monkey groups consist of both males and females and group size can range from between 20-500 individuals, although split into smaller groups when looking for food. They are arboreal meaning they spend most of their time high up in the trees, although occasionally scavenge on the forest floor. Squirrel monkeys are omnivorous, meaning they eat both insects and fruits and vegetables. Their diet plays an important role in their ecosystem through controlling insect populations and for seed dispersal.
FUN FACT: Squirrel monkeys use chemical signaling and vocalisations to communicate; they can make 26 idenÂtiÂfiÂable calls, conÂsistÂing of chirps, peeps, squawks, purrs, barks and screams.

Where are they from?
Squirrel monkeys are found in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.

How long do they live?
Up to 25 years in the wild, 30 years in captivity.

How big are they?
Males are between 25 -37cm in length, they can weigh between 550-1135g, and have tail length of 37 - 47cm. Females are smaller than males, and are between 22cm - 30cm in length, they can weigh between 365-750g, and have tail lengths of between 37cm - 45cm.

Conservation Status
Least concern but threatened by pet trade, illegal hunting, medical testing and habitat destruction.